Remittance Certificate FAQs

1What is a Remittance Certificate?
A Remittance Certificate (RemCert) is a summary of your remittances which you can use in various application such as tax refund, visa sponsorhip, etc.
2Where can I use a remittance certificate?
RemCert is required in filing tax refund here in Japan. It may also be required by immigration if you would like to sponsor a visa to a family/relative. Some bank involved application in the Philippines also requires proof of remittances.
3What is needed to request a remittance certificate?
You must be a registered member of SPEED with updated current address. Details like beneficiary names and date of remittances are also needed.
4Is there a fee to request? If yes, how much?
Regular 500yen
Expedite 1,000yen
5When can I receive my requested Remittance Certificate?
Regular request takes 5 to 7 days;
Expedite request takes 3 days to be sent to your registered home address